E‑commerce, app and online project implementation
Every business starts off small. e‑commerce, app and online projects can contribute sustainably and significantly to the growth of a business or project.
For an app, online presence or online shop to be successful, important questions need to be clarified first:
- Where are the interesting target markets?
- How do I reach target groups directly and without being disturbed by competitors?
- Which technology, CMS, shop system or in-house development will suit my objectives and my budgets?
- What are the efficient marketing strategies for reaching my growth and/or revenue goals?
admago has several approaches for successful project planning and project implementation for business ideas.
Advice on planning and implementing new ideas/prototypes
admago has the answer to questions concerning the requirements and trends of the respective target group(s), the suitable platform, and the effective and the most cost-saving marketing using relevant analysis and marketing tools. Long-term support from admago – as an agency service – is also possible and often more cost-effective than the development and maintenance of an in-house business unit.
Confronting growth obstacles and a lack of resources
Obstacles to growth when implementing e‑commerce, app and online projects are, for example, barriers or a lack of personal resources in technology, (global) marketing or the development of marketable investment and calculation models.
With admago, barriers can be overcome and resources can be gained – by advisory support or active collaboration in project management.
Acquisition of and participation in e‑commerce projects
With its business, commercial, technical, sales and marketing skills, admago is available as an experienced partner on a participation, success or fee basis.
admago GmbH — Our Focus: Technology development and Innovations